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The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 14, April 1, 2001, Article 7


John W. Adams writes:

"I was saddened to hear about Glenn. He was the right hand man of my longtime friend, Bill Woodside. Bill and Glenn really put Carnegie's numismatics on the map, only to have the rug pulled out when the Museum decided to de-access the collection. This decision broke Bill's heart and probably Glenn's as well. One addition to your eloquent description of the man: his monograph on Washington Before Boston was and is the definitive work on an otherwise confusing succession of dies. The monograph was authored with his characteristic sense of humor, so it makes good reading even for non-medal-collectors.

[Editor's note: at Mooney's funeral, a longtime friend and coworker related this story about Glenn's impish sense of humor: The two of them had nearby offices at Westinghouse, and they shared the services of a secretary. One day she brought in a nice new container to store the coffee she brewed each day. Some weeks later she came to him quite confused, unable to understand why a can of coffee that used to last two weeks was still unfinished six weeks later. "Let's ask Mr. Mooney," he said.

Glenn gave her a long story about how sometimes lightning hits a mountaintop in Columbia, and it imbues the coffee with special properties. "The air hits it, and it just gets rejuvenated". He really had her going until it came out that each night before leaving the office, he'd been spooning in more coffee from cans he had hidden in his office.]

Wayne Homren, Editor

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